About Me

Hello! My name is Karen. I live in East Texas with my husband, Jared, in the beautiful pineywoods. We met in graduate school at North Carolina State University while Jared was finishing his doctorate in horticulture and I was starting my Master’s degree in social work. We married at the J.C. Raulston Arboretum in Raleigh, North Carolina after long distance dating between North Carolina and Texas. We live in Nacogdoches, Texas now where he is a tenured professor of horticulture at Stephen F. Austin State University. I work from home as a freelancer providing design services and caring for our daughter, Magnolia May.

I believe creating provides a deep connection with the natural world.

Social Work was not the right career path for me. After we married and I relocated to Texas, I started learning graphic design. I kept sketchbooks since I was young, drawing the world around me. Other than a few art classes in college, I do not have any formal design training. My work begins as sketches before rendering them as digital illustrations. I started Southerly Design in 2018, a boutique design agency. I love working on logos, patterns, illustrations, and web design for clients. I’ve worked with small boutiques, nurseries and arboretums, university clubs, and churches to create custom designs.

One of my favorite design projects was designing logos for Polly Hill Arboretum in Martha’s Vineyard. The MV Wildtype logo features a monarch and milkweed plant. This was extra dear to me since I rear monarch butterflies in the springtime and was able to combine my love for design and butterflies.

Drawing and designing nourishes my soul, and makes me feel so connected to nature through paying attention to the flowers, birds, and butterflies. I believe creating provides a deep connection with the natural world as it opens your heart and mind to the beauty that is all around when we take the time to appreciate the earth.

I rebranded in 2022 to create a more modern look. decided my goal for 2023 was to become a licensed artist. I was able to meet that goal when I licensed my first pattern, Monarchs in Flight, with Deny Designs. It is so exciting to see my work out in the world. I am excited to continue creating new art and securing more licensing deals in 2024, working on design projects with clients, and pursuing this creative dream of designing art for a living.

Thanks for checking out my website! Click here to learn more about my design services and how I can help.